
Savitri Amavasya

"Savitri Amavasya" or "Savitri Brata" is observed on the 'Amavasya' (last day of the dark fortnight) in the month of 'Jyestha'. This day is most favorable for the married Hindu women whose husbands are alive. They observe it as a vow with great dedication and pray for the long life of their husbands. The word reflects the whole origin and significance of the Vat-Savitri puja. A fasting day for married women, the ritual practiced for Savitri is meant for the well-being and long life of the husband. The fasting is dedicated to Savitri and Satyavana her husband who was destined to die within one year but was brought back to life by her severe penance. The God of death, Yama is implored by Savitri when he is about to leave his body and due to her sheer determination and devotion to her husband, she wins him back to life and soon Satyavan regains his lost kingdom.